Reducing Carbon Footprint and Cost through Consolidation
Philadelphia Gas Works – Owner’s Rep/Development Management

When Philadelphia Gas Works wanted to consolidate facilities to minimize both cost and environmental impact, the utility engaged AR Spruce. In our role as Owner’s Representative, we were hired to keep an eagle eye on work quality, budget, and schedule for the construction of a $55 million, 207,500 sf, state-of-the-art warehouse and office structure.


We jumped in quickly, working with PGW to provide project management services during the tenant improvement phase of the warehouse project. We identified areas of the project where PGW needed construction expertise to augment internal facilities staff assigned to the project.


We worked together with PGW, the developer, and the contractor to resolve project issues, including design, costing, and monitoring of installations. We met weekly with PGW to address critical and ongoing project resolution, including change order status and program schedule updates. During our 7-month tenure on the project, we were able to complete over 70 outstanding project issues. Our scope of work included:


  • Establishing project reporting for PGW and stakeholders
  • Providing change order management, including estimating and negotiation
  • Assembling and updating the program schedule
  • Contract approach consulting for design services
  • Oversight of the construction process
  • Providing construction reviews and expertise
  • Organizing and executing project issues

Saving Money, Space, and Resources

AR Spruce provided change order management services for tenant improvement work change requests. We worked directly with the developer’s team and PGW to process 28 contractor change requests with a combined value of just over $1M. Our results included identifying $158K in savings by preparing estimates, reviewing contractor estimates, and negotiating on behalf of PGW with the Developer. The savings in change order management nearly totaled AR Spruce’s fee, which was in the $175K range.


In later phases of the project. AR Spruce provided early move management services during the end of the tenant fit-out to help with the planning and coordination of the PGW relocation. As a result, PGW requested that AR Spruce provide an interim move manager to work with various PGW departments in planning and implementing the consolidation of equipment and personnel from district offices to the new North Operations Center facility to ensure an efficient and smooth process across the board.

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